WellCare 2024 Training

10/14 (SATURDAY TRAINING) - 2024 Southern CA Product Deep Dive & Market Training   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/96793298191?pwd=ZVVxeXIyMStOcTFVUURTcHlHVVlrQT09 DATE AND TIME 10/14/23 9:00am Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 882095 Webinar ID: 967 9329 8191   I'll be there!

AHP – Lunch & Kits

Monday Oct 16, 10a-12N Panera Bread 25523 Marguerite Parkway; Mission Viejo, CA 92692

AHP Training


WellCare – 2024 OC & SD Product Training

10/17 - 2024 Orange & San Diego Market Deep Dive & Product Training   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/99418832445?pwd=NkVuUGYzWFdNOUd3azRNdVVaYWxUUT09 DATE AND TIME 10/17/23 3:00pm Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 904933 Webinar ID: 994 1883 2445   I'll be there!

WellCare 2024 Training

10/18 - 2024 Southern CA Product Deep Dive & Market Training   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/96613938417?pwd=NzVrT3VQeWxWenNjWFAycnJNclZvUT09 DATE AND TIME 10/18/23 1:00pm Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 868775 Webinar ID: 966 1393 8417   I'll be there!

AHP Training


WellCare DSNP

10/19 - Ascend, HRA/VBE, & DSNP Eligibility Verifications   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/96048554667?pwd=R0h3RFVva0Irbkl1YS9rMGltbG5xQT09 DATE AND TIME 10/19/23 3:00pm Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 236164 Webinar ID: 960 4855 4667   I'll be there!

Blue Shield – Med Sup Updates

Medicare Supplement Updates - Southern California Monday, October 23, 2023 2 p.m. 1 Hour Register here

WellCare DSNP

10/24 - Ascend, HRA/VBE, & DSNP Eligibility Verifications   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/92589498127?pwd=RVZSWUJ1UFBEV2NvckFyRHZUcFhOdz09 DATE AND TIME 10/24/23 3:00pm Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 667559 Webinar ID: 925 8949 8127   I'll be there!

AHP – Coffee & Kits

Wednesday Oct 25, 11a-12:30p The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf 2500 E Imperial Hwy, #182, Brea, CA  92821

WellCare – DSNP Training

10/26 - DSNP, DSNP, DSNP - Learn All About It!   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/93620841220?pwd=ZUY3YlVzMUpwbUM3c25tQXYwVk0wdz09 DATE AND TIME 10/26/23 9:00am Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 089875 Webinar ID: 936 2084 1220   I'll be there!

WellCare – 2024 OC & SD Product Training

10/31 - 2024 Orange & San Diego Market Deep Dive & Product Training   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/95878654682?pwd=TlhiMHhWZmQ5Y2NXMGxPVHZocUNsQT09 DATE AND TIME 10/31/23 9:00am Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 487422 Webinar ID: 958 7865 4682   I'll be there!