Application Submission

There are many ways agents and agencies can submit completed applications
If you have questions, reach out to us at [email protected]
  • Fax to 714-569-1219
  • Encrypted email to [email protected]
  • Electronic enrollment platforms
  • Drag & Drop Secure application submission
Agents may submit applications directly to the carrier via electronic or fax methods (see carrier information page for direct fax numbers)
Recently submitted applications typically show in agent portals within 2 business days. Cut-off deadlines are typically 5pm on the last business day of each month. Agents should submit applications directly to the carriers after this time or on weekends and holidays.
WARNING: Failure to comply with the posted document “Cut-Off Procedures.pdf” could result in un-commissionable submission. Be sure to confirm the details specific to the carrier in question.

frequently downloaded docs:

Application Cover Sheet

Generic CMS Scope of Appointment (English)

Generic CMS Scope of Appointment (Spanish)

Generic CMS Scope of Appointment (Chinese)