Centene – D-SNP Training

8/4 - 2023 OC/SD/LA - C-SNP/D-SNP Specialty Product Training   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/91357605364?pwd=S1pMcUdRcEU2UWl3dmlsZzJlTmZXdz09 DATE AND TIME 08/04/23 2:00pm Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 604891 Webinar ID: 913 5760 5364   I'll be there!

Scan – Sneak Peek

Join Zoom Meeting https://scanhealthplan.zoom.us/j/96419832199?pwd=TVNqU0xUY1lMekZHVllCb3hqT3R4UT09   Meeting ID: 964 1983 2199 Passcode: 526212 One tap mobile +16699006833,,96419832199#,,,,,,0#,,526212# US (San Jose)   Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 964 1983 2199 Passcode: 526212

Centene – 2024 Certifications

8/8 - Ready to Sell 2024 - Complete Certification   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/94904056245?pwd=MzdsMDdXUHhQQ1JkYmpTaUo3NDhVZz09 DATE AND TIME 08/08/23 10:00am Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 004549 Webinar ID: 949 0405 6245   I'll be there!

Aetna – Sneak Peek

Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 224 118 421 486 Passcode: RJ3qzW Download Teams | Join on the web Join with a video conferencing device [email protected] Video Conference ID: 119 007 702 8 Alternate VTC instructions

WellCare & HealthNet

8/8 - Navigating Wellcare and Wellcare by Health Net   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/92511950349?pwd=ek5HNWRhV3Y0N25xOUE5MnlBbS9zUT09 DATE AND TIME 08/08/23 2:00pm Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 503548 Webinar ID: 925 1195 0349   I'll be there!

Scan – Sales Tools


Centene – DSNP Training

8/10 - DSNP, DSNP - Learn all about it!   LOCATION https://centene.zoom.us/j/97329468344?pwd=OGxXWDNXRm03Zm94VTRzejR2VVFTdz09 DATE AND TIME 08/10/23 10:00am Please log into your Zoom account before clicking on the Zoom link to enter the training. Zoom passcode: 946323 Webinar ID: 97. 2946 8344   I'll be there!